What, me? Yes, I have hair in my eyes, what about it? |
Yeah, I play so rough I BREAK things! |
So Miss Katie... the sweet, precious third child with TWO rough & tumble older brothers. Yet SHE is the one who knocked out a tooth and (possibly) broke her leg. She is a fearless little sweetie! She is nearly 20 months old and is incredibly talkative. Today, she got her cast removed. The entire time she was crying, saying, "Bye boot". And after? She kept asking, "Where boot go?" Poor thing. Hopefully this will all be a distant memory. She is a very flexible child, nap and eating times can be rearranged as needed without too much complaining. She LOVES string cheese, but any other food is hit & miss. One day she loves something, the next day she won't touch it. Toddlers. Nicholas is her "favorite" brother, but that's mostly because he isn't competition for her - he never tries to steal her toys or books! In protest, she only says, "Nick" and has absolutely no word for Matthew. Ha!
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