Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Birthday to You!!!

Today is Jason's 30th birthday! He will tell everyone he feels only 16, so let's hope the age starts catching up to him! His plan is to walk around today calling young people "whipper-snappers" and starting every sentence with "back in my day" or "when I was your age"! Funny, right? Anyway, Happy Birthday to my best friend, wonderful husband, and the best dad two little boys could ever ask for!

Monday, March 16, 2009

9 months and counting!

Matthew is officially 9 months old today! He's learning and growing SO much! The big boy is 21 pounds, 11 ounces and 27 1/2 inches tall! He loves to eat (obviously) and loves to stand up! He is trying to get himself into the "crawling position" and also gets his body into a plank position. He is pretty strong! No crawling yet, just scooting and rotating! He did take one step and can stand on his own if he's not playing the "fall into you" game! Matthew is saying "dadadada" and "t" frequently. He waves bye-bye and claps his hands (he can even do this if you ask him to without demonstrating! so far he follows directions well!!!). He's getting so big!
Nicholas is missing preschool as they had spring break last week. We're getting back in the saddle tomorrow & enjoying our beautiful weather by playing with friends and going to parks!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Beautiful Weather & Milestones

The weather these past few days has been incredible! I think we needed a boost of spring to help us through whatever remains of winter. Jason came home early yesterday to hang with us! We all went to the park & out to dinner. It was a great Thursday!
Matthew has been pretty busy these days too. He can wave "bye, bye" (he first did this a month or so ago). He can also clap!!! The bath picture below is of him clapping (it's SO HARD to take a picture of an action!!!). Matthew is also showing much more interest in walking. When I hold his hands, he will take several steps toward me. He's pretty far from independence, but he seems closer to walking than crawling at this point!
Nicholas still says hilarious things... yesterday at the park he climbed a "cheese wall" - a climbing wall with holes. He also says ridiculous things about Matthew - yesterday he was speaking for Matthew - apparently Matthew was talking about God and sticks and hitting... not sure about all the details but Matthew may require counseling. :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

It is odd??

The forecast for today is nearly 80 degrees. A little odd for March. Even more strange - we have SNOW still on the ground. Don't worry, it's quickly melting, but I can't say I can remember weather as strange as this! Snow + 80 degrees = El Nino?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Nap Problem

It's really no secret that Matthew is a terrible napper. What's more, he has never really enjoyed a swing or bouncy like other babies. If he's not in his crib, he doesn't typically nap. Yesterday, he broke free from the norm (2 hours of napping a day) and napped 3 hours, 3o minutes total! I was shocked. Impressed. So excited! Jason said, "Maybe he's cured!" Famous last words! Today he napped 10 minutes in the morning and 40 minutes in the afternoon. That's it. Poor guy is tired beyond belief but just won't rest! We've contemplated taking him to one nap a day to see if he'd get the quality time in that way, but he's just so young for that! Here's hoping he grows out of it. Soon! Today we went shopping to give him rest time in the stroller. It didn't work but I did manage to buy the boys some cute polo shirts! Oh well. There's always tomorrow!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Family Update

In the past two weeks, all my boys have been sick! Matthew started with it, Jason got it next, even Nicholas got a touch of it!

Hopefully we are all better now!

Last week we had a great time with old Schumacher friends. On Wednesday we went to Tunnel Voyage and later the park with Jack & Maren. On Friday Merrick & Macy came over for a playdate (we couldn't go to music class due to illness at the nursing home). Enjoy our pics from the week's events.

Baby of the Month Runner-Up!

Sort-of... I love the homemade baby food website and I am constantly getting great ideas for Matthew's meals. I entered him in the "Baby of the Month" contest in January, and he is pictured as one of the favorites! Check him out! Mom is quite proud!!!
