Friday, February 17, 2012


Two weeks ago, we were sitting in the "sick kid" area of the Dr. office, waiting for Matthew's appointment. With all 3 kids and it being the sick area, I decided to just leave Katie in the baby carrier (this ended up being her very last time in this car seat... sadness). She didn't really mind, at first, but eventually became frustrated with her surroundings. She looked at me, pleadingly, and said "Mama, Mama, Mama". I jokingly asked the boys if they heard it - her very first word! MAMA! **Side note: this is a HUGE deal. My boys were very late in saying Mama. I think Matthew had a vocabulary of 10+ words before uttering the most beautiful sound in the world** The boys essentially ignored me. Crazy mom - thinking a SEVEN month old is capable of that. Later at home... I ran out with N to get dinner for the family (Math's sickness was wearing me down!). We were nearly home when I get a FRANTIC call from Jason. "GET HOME NOW" I panicked. After he reassured me that no one required immediate medical attention, and the news was GOOD, I raced home to see what was happening. According to Jason, Katie spent the majority of the time while I was gone looking at our big family pic above the fireplace and saying, "Mama, Mama". AND (here's the kicker), I didn't even tell him about the Dr. office earlier that day!! It's official! I'm writing it down in her book! (if I remember, that is). Honestly, she may not really be saying "Mama", but it sure sounds like it. She says a host of other sounds (I'll probably leave some out) including: Dada, , Duh-uh, Uh-Buh, Buh-buh, Mmmmm, something that sounds suspiciously like "I did it", Hi (but not really "Hi"), and others... Other Katie updates... she has been sitting up, unassisted since a week or two before Christmas (so right at 6 months old). She has yet to roll over, tummy to back, or back to tummy. Honestly her doctor wonders if she will at this point. She will most likely crawl first. She loves standing, and is fairly successful standing and holding on to something. When sitting up, she reaches for toys to the point where she crawls onto her tummy. She also scoots her bottom around to reach toys. Little girl is super content, crying only when hungry, tired, or poopy. She comes with me to music class twice a week and sits wonderfully, watching all the big kids singing songs. She still sleeps 12+ hours at night, waking up happy and content around 8am each day.

Valentine's Craftiness

Happy Valentine's Day! We had a lot of fun this year with craft projects for both of the kids. Matthew was sick the week before the Super Bowl, so he was unable to attend a party in the neighborhood. We stayed home together and made crayon-shaped hearts (thanks, IKEA, for the ice cube tray!). It was a fun project for an under-the-weather boy. Nicholas had to make a box for his school Valentines. Craftiness is not my forte, but pinterest saved me! I found a cute Monster Box & we decided to make it. Nicholas did 90% of the work himself, so it was that much sweeter when he finished.
The kids at Nicholas' V-day Party
Heart Crayons... before
Heart Crayons... after

Thursday, February 16, 2012

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

Valentine's Day... we don't go all-out with our kids on this day. We tell them we love them, do something small & special, and keep on going. This year, we took the kids out to dinner (a few nights early to avoid the crowds!), made burgers for dinner (a family favorite!), and gave them each a sweet treat (although they had so many from school... why bother?). On Tuesday, Nicholas came home from school and immediately went to work, creating the perfect gift for his dad. In a Valentine's picture frame he made at school, he placed a picture of Dad & N from a baseball game. He also wrote a sweet note to his dad, and gave him a small bag of candy from his school treat bag. Wow, right? And how about mom? Nada. Zilch. Nothing. He actually pulled a Ghiradelli Chocolate (dark chocolate + raspberry, YUM!) out of his bag as an after-dinner treat... I made a big deal about how much I LOVE those chocolates... they are my FAVORITE... and he ate it. Bummer. No special note, treat, or hugs for mom. Just an average day. So I felt a little down. I'll admit it. Fast forward a few hours... Math woke up around 9pm with terrible growing pains in his leg. He found us watching TV in the media room and clearly needed a hug. Both Jason & I reached our arms out to hold him... Jason said, "pick your favorite parent" (jokingly, but only because he thought he'd win!). Guess what?!?! He immediately came to me! And snuggled! Awwww. Jason offered to take him back to bed, to tuck him in. He said no, he wanted Mommy to do it. What have I learned? Our kids love BOTH their parents so much. We are so lucky to have sweet children who love to express their love all the time. Nicholas may not show me lots of love on Valentine's Day, but there are so many other moments when he does. I am a lucky mom.

He's HOW old?

Wednesday, February 1st was Nicholas' 100th day of school. In Kindergarten, we had to create a shirt with 100 items on it (we used googly eyes... so fun!). This year (and for the rest of his elementary years) he had the chance to "dress like he was 100"! So... he wore normal jeans + shoes (we aren't THAT crazy), but bought an "old man" shirt, hat, and cane. We also sprayed his hair silver, but it really didn't take well. The BEST part for me was spending time alone with N, shopping for the "perfect" items for his day. He had a blast, even though his cane was taken away (it's a WEAPON!). Enjoy!
All smiles before school
The complete look, scowl and all!