It's so exciting to go to the Doctor and find out what your little one weighs! I just love it! With Matthew, it's not only the weight but also noticing how everything fits differently. 0-3 month clothes are fitting (some even TIGHT), his swaddle blankets are becoming too small, and he is looking SO BIG in his carseat! So many signs of growth. After an abnormal blood test, Matthew is going to see a specialist tomorrow to figure out if anything is actually wrong with him. We haven't noticed any issues, so we're hoping it's just an error. Enjoy the pics of Matthew at 6 weeks (plus two days, actually - I had a camera issue on Monday). The second picture was him either at the beginning or end of a smile - those are still so hard to catch on camera! The third pic is his little tongue hanging out - a look that compliments all babies! Sorry the pics are blurry - it's hard to take a picture of the kid you are holding (Nicholas' pictures of Matthew didn't turn out so great!).
I found out yesterday that I have the shingles... again. I had it in college and vaguely remember it being a horrible, painful experience. Jason remembers more than me, I think, and is truly dreading the next few weeks. Since the outbreak just occurred Tuesday, the medicine they are giving me will have more of an impact. Hopefully it will shorten the time & make the entire illness less painful. I just can't imagine how much fun I'll be to live with these next few weeks!!!
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