Matthew's test results were flawed - a second test revealed that my little one is indeed perfect! We are relieved! We ended up talking to so many people who work in the medical community and nearly every one of them reassured us that it may be nothing. The blood draw seemed a bit shady, the results as well. Our 3 hours at Children's Mercy was worth it! Just including a pic of Matthew posing because he always seems to be begging for a picture!
Today we took the family to a Baby Shower for one of Jason's co-workers. Nicholas is usually so well-behaved that I didn't really worry about it. The host had 4 children, the youngest was 17 months old. For some reason, both the little one and Nicholas were playing near a small play kitchen. Nicholas wanted the fridge door shut, but the 17 month old had his hand in the way. Obviously this little guy couldn't communicate with Nicholas & stand up for himself, being so young! Nicholas got made & shut the door anyway, right on the boy's hand! We were so embarrassed! The host was polite, and said Nicholas didn't do it on purpose, but we know he did. We tried to sit him in time-out (again, embarrassing in someone else's house), but he screamed at the top of his lungs (quite a site if you haven't heard it!). Jason ended up taking him outside to cool him off. Still, it was in front of people who WORK with Jason - slightly embarrassing. After that, all went well. He proceeded to be his usual charming self and even got to play with a lizard & snake (I doubt he actually touched these animals, though!).
Jason is off to see a movie with one of his friends... Matthew is attempting to sleep and Nicholas is playing contentedly in his room.
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