Thursday, July 10, 2008


Last night was a big night at our house! Matthew slept in his OWN BED for the first time (at night). We were worried about the transition as Nicholas sleeps in the very next room, but with both boys having sound machines to drown out noises, they didn't bug each other at all! Nicholas didn't even wake up while Matthew was screaming during naptime today (I thought with the lighter sleep, lighter daytime he might wake up...).
On another note, I need to vent about my housecleaner. We have someone who cleans our house every other week (she's been coming for several months now). This was exceptionally helpful to me during pregnancy & I've been excited about her continuing now that we have two little ones at home. Unfortunately she is the MOST UNRELIABLE PERSON I KNOW!!!! There have been many occasions when she did not show up, many more that she has rescheduled, and I don't think she's EVER been on time. Seriously, she says she'll be here at 9am and shows up an hour or more later! She was supposed to come on Tuesday this week - we even CONFIRMED Monday night - she called at 8:45am Tuesday to reschedule for Thursday. I was accommodating - we have nothing going on. So today, after spending much time picking up my messy house, we waited and waited. We waited until 10:40am for her to show up when we finally just left (to attend our music class). I don't know if she ever came or not. She certainly didn't call either the house or Jason's cell phone. So today I have a dirty house & no one to clean it. Any takers??? My wonderful friend Becky has a great mom who is helping her clean & organize her house before the birth of her newest little girl - can I borrow your mom, Becky??? Thank goodness my mother-in-law is wonderful & is coming over tomorrow to help me!
Aaahhh... so much better after venting!

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