Well I made it through the weekend just fine. Jason had fun with the boys and I had fun with MY boys! Nicholas, Matthew, & I went to a friend's house for a playdate on Saturday... the boys had a good time & I loved the adult conversation aspect of it! Nicholas is getting to be very particular about things... the little boy he was playing with wanted him to play something different. Nicholas was incapable of simplying saying "No thanks" or something similar. Instead he started ranting, "You aren't my friend. I don't want to play _____ with you" at a very loud (yelling) voice. Grrr... grumpy boy! He did have a great time playing with his friend and thoroughly enjoyed his McDonald's lunch (much better than what mommy would have made at home!). Later on Saturday I ventured out to Wal-Mart spending more time & money than I originally anticipated. Doesn't that store just suck you in??? It's terrible, really!
The craziest part of Saturday was after we got home. I had an agenda: feed Matthew, make Nicholas & I dinner, give Matthew a bath, put Matthew to sleep, play outside with Nicholas, "fix" Nicholas' hair (Daddy gave a bad haircut according to Nicholas), give Nicholas a bath, put Nicholas to bed, then CRASH! Granted, I had lots to do, but you wouldn't even BELIEVE how quickly the time passed! We had only a few minutes to play outside because it was super-late! I finally got everything completed and crashed on the couch. Matthew woke up to eat at 11pm - fell back asleep and didn't wake to eat again until... 3:51am!!! Yippee!!! I had about 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep!!!! So divine!
On Sunday, I took the boys to church (the lady sitting next to me commented on how "brave" I was bringing a newborn to church by myself) and then to Liberty to meet the boys & bring Jason back home. We spent the rest of Sunday taking it easy... and now we begin another week!
Matthew is 4 weeks old day... although I'm going to hold off until Wednesday (1 month) to take more pictures! We think he's getting chunky! I'll get him weighed today & see if it's true! He's falling into a predictable routine & rarely gets truly upset. He's pretty even-tempered as of now. When we put him down to sleep, he cries for a minute or two (sometimes WAILS) and then stops altogether! This is so different from his big brother! Nicholas could wail with the best of 'em for a LONG time - he was a crier! Jason & I comment DAILY on how different this kiddos' temperament really is! He's fitting well into his 0-3 month size... and we're about to bid our "newborn" sized clothes goodbye! I always enjoy moving up to the next size... new clothes to put him in! He spits up enough to warrant several new outfits a day, so that's always fun!
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