Nicholas & Miles - getting ready to be ring bearers!

Nicholas & Matthew at the rehearsal dinner

Shannon with Nicholas & Miles

The four of us on wedding day (no, Jason did NOT color his hair - must be the lighting!)

Jon & Shannon with the ring bearers & flower girl
We spent last weekend in Bloomington to celebrate my brother's wedding. At the wedding, the two boys pulled a 6 month old girl down the aisle. It went surprisingly well! Shannon looked beautiful & my brother very handsome. The day was wonderful & we were glad to share in their happiness.
Our boys did GREAT on the trip. We were honestly expecting the worst! We made the 6-hour trip in only 7 hours on the way there, and took an astonishing 6 hours, 40 minutes on the way back! Not bad at all! Staying at my parents house was a little odd. They didn't have cable, a computer, or a phone line. We managed to get by... we were really roughing it! It ended up not being such a big deal as we were super-busy most of the weekend. Nicholas LOVED his tux for the wedding - he thought he was HOT STUFF!! I fit into my dress, but am glad I can hide behind junky clothes now. Jason did excellent on Saturday, considering he was alone with both boys much of the day. The church had an excellent toddler & baby room right off the foyer that we were allowed to use. We fed Matthew in that room, used the swing and rocking chairs, and Nicholas played with all the fun toys! I honestly don't know what we would have done without it!
1 comment:
Jen, I didn't even recognize your brother! That's awesome that he just got married.
Love, Alesa
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