I love my 5 month old! Here's why:
1. PERSONALITY!!! He is just oozing with personality! You can tell he'll be an easy-going guy, easy to please.
2. Smiles/Laughter - this goes with #1. He's just so quick to give you a smile - he'll lean forward to look at you & give you the cutest gummy grin! He giggles often - Jason & I both can really get him going! He gets incredibly giggly when he's sleepy - that's just the best.
3. FOOD! Like his brother, he LOVES TO EAT! He has enjoyed every pureed creation I've put in front of him! He still does his crazy thumb-sucking thing while eating, but we're working on that!
4. Grabbing/rubbing you - today he had the BEST TIME pulling on my hair! He was all smiles as he yanked it in every direction. We've also noticed him patting us or rubbing us (he rubbed Jason's hand during breakfast this morning - he just loves to touch!)
5. HE SITS UP! Yes, he's advanced! We wrote down that Nicholas could sit for 5 SECONDS at 5 1/2 months old! Matthew was doing that at 4 months old, and can now sit alone for several minutes at a time, until he gets bored!
6. Have you SEEN MY KID EAT A TOY??? It's so funny - every toy becomes a chew toy: burp cloths, bibs, high chair toys, his bear thing he loves. It's adorable.
7. He's a great night-sleeper. We're working on the napping, but he loves to sleep at night!
I could go on and on... but this list might never end! My boys are so precious to me, and today I celebrate Matthew turning 5 months old!