We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at the Savage house! My parents were in town for several days, and Jason's parents & brother came over on Thanksgiving. It was interesting preparing a turkey essentially on our own - not nearly as complicated as I'd been led to believe! Jason did as much work as I did as he helped with the turkey, peeled potatoes, made the green bean casserole, and monitored all the food while cooking! My amazing hubby also made a coffee cake BY HIMSELF the day before! He did an awesome job, especially since (in his words) "he's never watched me do it". Nicholas loved his "feast", but was pretty picky with his choices. He tried a black olive (yuck), ate some turkey (okay), ate a clementine (he loves these), ate carrots (yummy), and chowed down on many rolls. Did anyone keep track? I think he had 4 or 5 rolls that day, many of them "double rolls". He also ate pumpkin pie (immediately after he finished his pie he wanted another roll). I'm including a picture of Nicholas' THANKS turkey that he made with assistance from Grandma & Mom. It's pretty cute!
Backing up... on Tuesday we took Nicholas to the Opthamology clinic at Children's Mercy. I felt a little guilty as they mentioned to us it had been two years since his last appointment. :( The exam was relatively painless - he hates the dilation drops, but did just fine. The doctor concluded that his current prescription was way off. I won't mention everything said at the office, but suffice to say we are glad for the new information. His power is a little less strong, but his new prescription accounts for his strong astigmatism. We ordered a new pair of glasses that should arrive in the next two weeks.
Nicholas is officially halfway through his "learning to read" book & is doing awesome! We are so proud of him - he works so hard & is pretty excited about being a reader! Matthew may be teething. I think his gums are swollen but can't yet see white gums or teeth poking through or anything like that. Poor guy - teething stinks! On the happy side, he is definitely sitting up all by himself! He prefers that position to any other & still hates laying on his tummy!
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