Matthew is officially 6 months old! His doctor's visit went pretty well... we're going to take him off Prevacid & see if there is a change or not. He's still spitting up fountains many times a day (ruining outfits & bibs!). He is in the 50%ile for both height & weight (26 1/2 inches long, 17 pounds, 14.5 ounces). His head is huge, but so it goes in my family! Dr. Mc did note that Matthew has a yucky cold with possible ear infection starting. We'll keep an eye on him & take him back if he acts funny or starts up with a fever. He's also teething, but who knows when that first tooth might appear!
Enjoy the pics - one of Nicholas playing outside on our "snow day", two of Matthew eating (his favorite pasttime - loving peas as you can see!), and one of the adorable Savage brothers.
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