I cannot even believe our little girl is already two months old! Where has the time gone? For those who know me, this two month milestone brings something VERY important: BABY STATS! Unfortunately, we have not yet had our well-check. Be on the lookout next week!!!
Here is a glimpse into the life of Katie-bug:
Wake-up time: 8am (get dressed, eat)
Awake until naptime around 9:00 or 9:15am.
Sleep sporadically as we typically are out & about during this time!
Eat at 12pm. Awake until 1pm (usually subdued during this awake period).
Wake up to eat at 4pm. This is usually when you are the most smiley & talkative.
Cat nap 5:30 - 6:30ish. Awake to put brothers to sleep.
Eat at 8pm & then to sleep!
**Usual wake time is 5am for a feeding, then we start again**