It's the most wonderful time of the year, right? I really love Christmas. I love what it means. I love seeing this month through the eyes of my boys. It is really magical. They are so excited by the smallest things... today Math. was playing with a "Teddy Bear Angel" that sings "Jesus Loves Me". He was cracking up that the bear was singing about Jesus & the Bible. He loved it. Entertained him for 30 minutes!
Last night I made cookies with the boys. They might just be chefs one day - they both LOVE to work in the kitchen! Nicholas actually wanted to complete the recipe by himself! Those are special moments... there is no screaming or yelling... just good times with my family.
This year, I have been a bit LAX on decorations (this is a serious understatement to anyone who has seen my house). I have a tree up (Yeah, me!), but that is all. Today I put two ornaments on the tree. Math.'s handprint from last year and Nicholas handprint globe from school. And it looks sweet. I could be done. Who needs more? Less is more, right?
A neighbor bringing over a pizza, just because. Doesn't get any better! Sweet little blessings in life are what it is all about.
Taking my time this year to enjoy my blessings. Enjoy each day. And trying, TRYING not to worry about all the "stuff" that takes my attention away from the meaning.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Just because...
Here's a family update... with some adorable pics of the boys. Matthew chose to dress pretty cute for church last Sunday: cords, button up shirt, sweater vest... and Nicholas was looking pretty adorable too! Time for mom to pull out the camera!
Nicholas: Is he loving Kindergarten? That's the question I hear most often. Some days the answer is YES!!! Other days the answer is no. Over the past few months, he has asked me numerous times why I can't just teach him at home (you are a teacher after all, mom!). That's a tough question. His school is a great one. Everyone loves it. Maybe he just hasn't caught his stride yet... He hasn't felt challenged yet, unless you count being confounded by the "disguise a turkey" assignment. Waaaaayyy too much creative stuff for Mom in kindergarten! We've still been working at home on other things: reading (currently reading Harry Potter to him - helping with comprehension on that!), multiplication/division, cursive (his true love), writing, etc. He enjoys that... except that he is typically tired/moody/grumpy each and every day after school. No mood for learning time or chores! He loves spending time with friends each day, so that is a positive of school. He also loved playing t-ball. Already itching for a new season!
Matthew: funny little thing. Often see him walking around with a fleece pullover sweatshirt (thanks J.T.), sunglasses, and his Bears hat. It's his required outfit! He says hilarious things - we were talking today about lunch - he told me he was going to eat at the big table. "Actually, mom, dad, nicholas, matthew eat at the big table for dinner". Actually is a favorite word. He often uses it correctly! He loves to play catch, read books, run around outside, play super heroes with brother, and show off his silly bands (thank you, recent b-day parties!). As always, he is very agreeable except when tired or hungry. He still naps 2-3 hours a day + 11 hours of sleep at night. Very nice. His favorite song is anything from music class, especially Old MacDonald (but his own special version). As most toddlers around this age, he is becoming fiercely independent. "I can do it!" is often shouted again & again! He plays with a V-Tech Computer... when he pushes the correct letter, it tells him "A is for Apple", etc. It's so cute... he doesn't get it. He keeps saying things like "P is for my daddy", "Z is for my Nicholas". He might be giving these letters away. Who knows!
Jason & I are still doing well. Job is good. Life is good. Still exercising with crazy friends at 5:45am three times a week. They keep me sane. Music class is great. Anxious for the holidays... love this time of year!

Nicholas: Is he loving Kindergarten? That's the question I hear most often. Some days the answer is YES!!! Other days the answer is no. Over the past few months, he has asked me numerous times why I can't just teach him at home (you are a teacher after all, mom!). That's a tough question. His school is a great one. Everyone loves it. Maybe he just hasn't caught his stride yet... He hasn't felt challenged yet, unless you count being confounded by the "disguise a turkey" assignment. Waaaaayyy too much creative stuff for Mom in kindergarten! We've still been working at home on other things: reading (currently reading Harry Potter to him - helping with comprehension on that!), multiplication/division, cursive (his true love), writing, etc. He enjoys that... except that he is typically tired/moody/grumpy each and every day after school. No mood for learning time or chores! He loves spending time with friends each day, so that is a positive of school. He also loved playing t-ball. Already itching for a new season!
Matthew: funny little thing. Often see him walking around with a fleece pullover sweatshirt (thanks J.T.), sunglasses, and his Bears hat. It's his required outfit! He says hilarious things - we were talking today about lunch - he told me he was going to eat at the big table. "Actually, mom, dad, nicholas, matthew eat at the big table for dinner". Actually is a favorite word. He often uses it correctly! He loves to play catch, read books, run around outside, play super heroes with brother, and show off his silly bands (thank you, recent b-day parties!). As always, he is very agreeable except when tired or hungry. He still naps 2-3 hours a day + 11 hours of sleep at night. Very nice. His favorite song is anything from music class, especially Old MacDonald (but his own special version). As most toddlers around this age, he is becoming fiercely independent. "I can do it!" is often shouted again & again! He plays with a V-Tech Computer... when he pushes the correct letter, it tells him "A is for Apple", etc. It's so cute... he doesn't get it. He keeps saying things like "P is for my daddy", "Z is for my Nicholas". He might be giving these letters away. Who knows!
Jason & I are still doing well. Job is good. Life is good. Still exercising with crazy friends at 5:45am three times a week. They keep me sane. Music class is great. Anxious for the holidays... love this time of year!
Monday, November 8, 2010
My kids probably dressed in 7 or 8 costumes total for Halloween! Thank goodness for Grandmas and hand-me-downs!
Monday, October 18, 2010
On Saturday, October 9th, Nicholas got his first ever home run (no, Becky, we did not save the ball)! We are so excited for him! Ask him how it happened and here is what he'll tell you: Well, I hit the ball between the second baseman & short stop. They threw the ball to first base but it went way past first base. So I went to second (sort-of - he stopped midway & started running back to 1st - it was INSANE). They over-threw the ball AGAIN & I ran hard - all the way home! So proud of our little boy!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
My Toothless Wonder
In June, Nicholas' dentist showed my his x-rays - his adult teeth were pushing up, especially the two bottom middle teeth. It was only a matter of time...
They have both been loose for several months, but the bottom right was the first to go! It was barely hanging on... so we just twisted it out! Practically no pain or blood! It was great!
His grandma made him a little "Cubs" pillow to put his tooth in... so the tooth fairy could visit! She did... and left him 5o cents! He was so excited!
Looks like #2 is on its way out!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
On August 28th, a new era began in the Savage household: T-BALL! Both Nicholas & Jason were waiting for this moment... and it finally arrived. My boys have worked on hitting off the tee and fielding, but t-ball practice was a whole new experience. At the first practice, the boys were divided into three groups: one worked on fielding, one worked on positioning when up to bat (with a fake pitch to signal when to bat) and running to first base, and the third concentrated on hitting off the tee. Nicholas had difficulty with fielding (as every 5-yr-old does) but did great with the other two stations. He has a lot of friends on the team, the rest are soon to be friends I'm sure. This may make cause listening difficulty...
So I dug up an old picture of my brother playing t-ball. Just how I remembered. The "field" was really a grassy area where they threw down some bases. Oh how the times have changed. Alternately, Oh how the Texans love their youth baseball! The field is INCREDIBLE! Grass infield, beautifully manicured, scoreboard, covered bleachers, playscape for the little ones. Wow!
On opening day, we have two games... can't wait! More pictures to come...
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dad helped him fix his hair, he made his lunch the night before (notice the awesome new backpack + lunch bag!), new shoes on the first day, new shirt. What a dapper dude!
He was a bit nervous the night before... lots of crying & telling Mom he wanted to stay home. I think it was just the nerves talking. He did FANTASTIC on his first day. Mom cried a bit, but the school library provided donuts & juice for all teary parents. Matthew loved the donut holes. Nicholas was confused by THOSE pictures. Oops. My little guy looked so LITTLE walking down the big SCHOOL HALLWAY! How can it be??? Can't believe my little guy is old enough for Kindergarten.
Other than a slight punching incident on the 5th day of school, things have been smooth sailing. He wants to know when he starts homework & LOVES the reading log (100 books? I can do that in a week, not a month!).
Matthew really enjoys brother being gone. He does ask when it's time to "get Nicholas" but seems to thrive on being the only one at home. We read books, play games, go to music class, run errands. It's quiet around the house. Most days I love it - the silence. Some days I am still a bit weepy...
Welcome Walk
So there are a million reasons Texas is strange... here's one:
Most children receive a letter, phone call, or find a list taped to the school door to inform them who their new teacher will be. Not here! Nicholas' school (and others in the district) has a "Welcome Walk". Between the hours of 5 - 7pm, there will be a knock on your door. When you answer, THERE IS YOUR NEW TEACHER!!! Strange, but SO COOL! Nicholas loved meeting his new teacher, Mrs. Bursey. He handed her a letter he wrote just for her, she gave him a packet of new information about Kindergarten. Such fun! We are ready for a great year!
Informal 2 year pics of Matthew
Just me & my camera taking pics of my adorable boy... He is SO HAPPY, so polite, often quiet, other times wild. He loves books & hugs & monkey. I think (HOPE) these pics capture the personality of my kiddo. I know when YOU see him, he may not smile, he may not giggle. It's there. I promise, it's all there. Enjoy my sweet Math.

Thursday, August 26, 2010
The REAL reason I stopped blogging
It was a hurtful comment... okay, I'll go ahead & say it. It was from someone I have never really been all that close to... but still words are hurtful. The comment was regarding a post I had where I was lamenting the life of a stay-at-home Momma. It's hard. Believe me. I've done it all. I worked full time with a kid, part-time, and home all the time. NONE are easy. NONE deserve any less respect. NONE of these options are "just" as in "just" a stay-at-home Mom, "just" a part-time Mom, "just" a working Mom. These "just"-ifications are hurtful to all. As Moms, aren't we really all working our hardest, pretty much all the time? You have no idea how much DIRTIER a house becomes when you are living in it all day (although it is easier with one at school, I will admit). You have no idea the GUILT a working Mommy feels (can't volunteer at school like the other Moms? your child doesn't want to leave the sitter - would rather be with THEM than you - they do see that person more during waking hours, after all).
UGH! Can't we all just agree to support each other??? I am thankful for all my supportive friends... I have made lots of choices regarding working & my kids. I am "technically" working again. I don't regret any.
I guess what I am saying is this: Don't EVER look down on someone for the choice they made. You have NO IDEA what it is like to walk in someone else's shoes. Even IF you *think* you know what it's like - trust me, you don't. We are all unique - every situation is unique. It's time to stop comparing & start living. Make it your goal to be the best you can be as a Mom/Wife/Friend. That's what is truly important. Not what so-and-so thinks about you & the choices you make on a daily basis. Trust yourself.
Sorry for the rant. Back to happy thoughts later.
UGH! Can't we all just agree to support each other??? I am thankful for all my supportive friends... I have made lots of choices regarding working & my kids. I am "technically" working again. I don't regret any.
I guess what I am saying is this: Don't EVER look down on someone for the choice they made. You have NO IDEA what it is like to walk in someone else's shoes. Even IF you *think* you know what it's like - trust me, you don't. We are all unique - every situation is unique. It's time to stop comparing & start living. Make it your goal to be the best you can be as a Mom/Wife/Friend. That's what is truly important. Not what so-and-so thinks about you & the choices you make on a daily basis. Trust yourself.
Sorry for the rant. Back to happy thoughts later.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Matthew is 2!
In June, Matthew turned 2... seems like something to blog about! Two is SO MUCH BETTER than 1... according to Matthew. His level of independence has increased exponentially! He likes to try and dress himself, uses forks/spoons with greater accuracy, and BOY oh BOY his vocabulary! We used to list his "words". That is no longer possible. He speaks in sentences, paragraphs. Copies us, but comes up with things all on his own. Here is a (strange) example. Me: What's your name? Matthew: People know it.
What?!?! What does that mean, little TWO YEAR OLD? He comes up with strange things...
Strangely, he is still silent when around anyone not part of his immediate family. At home, he is very comfortable and talks up a storm!
Monkey is still #1. He drags that thing everywhere. Grandma bought him an identical monkey to replace old monkey, should the time come. Sadly, Matthew calls it "New Monkey" and will have little to do with it.
He "reads" books often, making up gibberish words to tell the story, or even using real ones. It's super cute. As a typical toddler, he enjoys the same book, time after time! We often get bored...
He loves Dora, loves hugs & kisses, loves his brother, loves to eat.
That is our little Math. in a nutshell!

What?!?! What does that mean, little TWO YEAR OLD? He comes up with strange things...
Strangely, he is still silent when around anyone not part of his immediate family. At home, he is very comfortable and talks up a storm!
Monkey is still #1. He drags that thing everywhere. Grandma bought him an identical monkey to replace old monkey, should the time come. Sadly, Matthew calls it "New Monkey" and will have little to do with it.
He "reads" books often, making up gibberish words to tell the story, or even using real ones. It's super cute. As a typical toddler, he enjoys the same book, time after time! We often get bored...
He loves Dora, loves hugs & kisses, loves his brother, loves to eat.
That is our little Math. in a nutshell!
Adorable Boys
So most of our summer was spent hanging out... going to the pool... movies... free lunch at IKEA. Nothing too exciting to report. Nicholas is now a GREAT swimmer - he will jump in at 5 ft. and successfully swim to the side. He loves the pool as does his brother. Matthew wears an inner-tube around his middle and goes anywhere & everywhere in the pool. Fun summer for all!
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