Dad helped him fix his hair, he made his lunch the night before (notice the awesome new backpack + lunch bag!), new shoes on the first day, new shirt. What a dapper dude!
He was a bit nervous the night before... lots of crying & telling Mom he wanted to stay home. I think it was just the nerves talking. He did FANTASTIC on his first day. Mom cried a bit, but the school library provided donuts & juice for all teary parents. Matthew loved the donut holes. Nicholas was confused by THOSE pictures. Oops. My little guy looked so LITTLE walking down the big SCHOOL HALLWAY! How can it be??? Can't believe my little guy is old enough for Kindergarten.
Other than a slight punching incident on the 5th day of school, things have been smooth sailing. He wants to know when he starts homework & LOVES the reading log (100 books? I can do that in a week, not a month!).
Matthew really enjoys brother being gone. He does ask when it's time to "get Nicholas" but seems to thrive on being the only one at home. We read books, play games, go to music class, run errands. It's quiet around the house. Most days I love it - the silence. Some days I am still a bit weepy...
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