Can it be? My little guy is 7 months old today! We think he's really been chunking up lately, weighing nearly 20 pounds! He's such a lovable guy - he loves his Mommy, Daddy, & brother so much! His favorite things are eating (especially table food: chicken, bread, egg yolk), sitting up & playing, being with Mommy, watching big brother, going for a walk outside, and putting everything in his mouth! At seven months he is an expert at sitting up, learning to feed himself, grunts to let us know he's unhappy (usually in the car seat of highchair without food!), and smiles at everyone. He is starting to babble and enjoys eating his feet (don't worry, we keep them clean!). Matthew likes to scoot on the ground, rotating his body to reach toys. We all love our little guy so much and can't wait to experience all the changes ahead!
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