Monday, January 5, 2009

My Big 4-year-old Boy!

Nicholas turned four years old on Saturday. I was emotional leading up to the day - how can my baby possibly be 4??? Fortunately for all involved, I have regained control and am excited to see what this new number will bring! Nicholas is thrilled to be four (almost 5!), although he told us early Saturday morning that he wasn't REALLY four until he ate some birthday cake (did you know that rule?). At the last minute, we found out his cousins could not attend the party. He was disappointed, so I scrambled to call some of our friends! Thanks to Bryce & Merrick for making Nicholas' 4th birthday special! He loved having other kiddos to play with! We had a great time celebrating with our family & of course LOVED the new toys (Nicholas says "they're SO COOL, Mom!). Tomorrow will also be a fun day as we're celebrating at preschool with cookies made by Tatiana (they are pretty awesome!).
Today Nicholas had his 4 year check-up. I promised him earlier today that there would be NO SHOTS this year. Dr. Mc mentioned that he needs 4 shots before he starts Kindergarten, so we could split that up and have some now. I opted for the MMR & DTP shot today - Nicholas was none too thrilled. His height and weight are, again, practically off the charts. That child has always been on the big side of things, even from his pre-term birth! The nurse didn't check his vision, as I pointed out that he sees an Opthamologist regularly (this week, in fact). He did, however, fail the hearing test in his left ear despite repeated attempts. I put a call in to our ENT this morning - we'll see what she says about this! Hopefully it was faulty equipment or a bad test or something along those lines! More on this later!

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