Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Craftiness

Happy Valentine's Day! We had a lot of fun this year with craft projects for both of the kids. Matthew was sick the week before the Super Bowl, so he was unable to attend a party in the neighborhood. We stayed home together and made crayon-shaped hearts (thanks, IKEA, for the ice cube tray!). It was a fun project for an under-the-weather boy. Nicholas had to make a box for his school Valentines. Craftiness is not my forte, but pinterest saved me! I found a cute Monster Box & we decided to make it. Nicholas did 90% of the work himself, so it was that much sweeter when he finished.
The kids at Nicholas' V-day Party
Heart Crayons... before
Heart Crayons... after

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Oh, I saw those crayon hearts on pinterest too. It is such a helpful site! AND... sadly I've never been to an IKEA, but I hear great things about them. I want to go to one!