Two weeks ago, we were sitting in the "sick kid" area of the Dr. office, waiting for Matthew's appointment. With all 3 kids and it being the sick area, I decided to just leave Katie in the baby carrier (this ended up being her very last time in this car seat... sadness). She didn't really mind, at first, but eventually became frustrated with her surroundings. She looked at me, pleadingly, and said "Mama, Mama, Mama". I jokingly asked the boys if they heard it - her very first word! MAMA! **Side note: this is a HUGE deal. My boys were very late in saying Mama. I think Matthew had a vocabulary of 10+ words before uttering the most beautiful sound in the world** The boys essentially ignored me. Crazy mom - thinking a SEVEN month old is capable of that.
Later at home... I ran out with N to get dinner for the family (Math's sickness was wearing me down!). We were nearly home when I get a FRANTIC call from Jason. "GET HOME NOW" I panicked. After he reassured me that no one required immediate medical attention, and the news was GOOD, I raced home to see what was happening. According to Jason, Katie spent the majority of the time while I was gone looking at our big family pic above the fireplace and saying, "Mama, Mama". AND (here's the kicker), I didn't even tell him about the Dr. office earlier that day!! It's official! I'm writing it down in her book! (if I remember, that is).
Honestly, she may not really be saying "Mama", but it sure sounds like it. She says a host of other sounds (I'll probably leave some out) including: Dada, , Duh-uh, Uh-Buh, Buh-buh, Mmmmm, something that sounds suspiciously like "I did it", Hi (but not really "Hi"), and others...
Other Katie updates... she has been sitting up, unassisted since a week or two before Christmas (so right at 6 months old). She has yet to roll over, tummy to back, or back to tummy. Honestly her doctor wonders if she will at this point. She will most likely crawl first. She loves standing, and is fairly successful standing and holding on to something. When sitting up, she reaches for toys to the point where she crawls onto her tummy. She also scoots her bottom around to reach toys. Little girl is super content, crying only when hungry, tired, or poopy. She comes with me to music class twice a week and sits wonderfully, watching all the big kids singing songs. She still sleeps 12+ hours at night, waking up happy and content around 8am each day.