Monday, December 12, 2011

Thanksgiving... a little fun, a lot crazy!

We had such a fantastic Thanksgiving!  My parents arrived on Wednesday, my brother flew in on Thursday, and his wife, Shannon, flew into Austin on Friday.  It all started with the "feasts".  Anyone who has a kid in school is familiar.  Apparently a Thanksgiving "feast" is now a required preschool/elementary event.  Both kids had said event, and we spent 1.5 hours one Thursday "feasting" with our kiddos.
CRE Feast with Nicholas

Preschool Feast with Math
Grandpa Harris had yet to meet little Katie, so Wednesday was a special day for us as Grandpa and Grandma arrived!
Gramps with the Bug
Katie is 5 months old!

Walking down by the lake... downtown Austin.

Boys by the lake.  Great weather, great time.
Saturday... aka Thanksgiving at the Savage house
Jon & Jason preparing our turkey!

Going into the deep fryer... saying a prayer

Beautiful looking (& tasting) turkey!

Next year, Katie!
Sunday (aka Christmas)
Family picture (thanks to my wonderful neighbor)

Kids with Jon & Shannon

Jon & Nicholas... ready for some football!

If only Shannon like babies!!  ;)

The 5 of us at Mt. Bonnell (can you find the hidden Katie?)

Shannon + Jen + Katie

Oh no!  He's going over the edge!  Jon, what did you say now?


Christmas!  The Boys LOVE their new (personalized) hats!

Does this make me look cool?

As if we didn't already know that...

Jon + the boys
Playing in my new ball pit!

Lunch with my aunt & uncle at CRE!

Little Bears Fan!

Gotta try the Round Rock donut!

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