So this post may rub people the wrong way... but I won't apologize!!! We are having a girl. Yes, a pink-wearing, princess-loving, little girl. Right? I have two wonderful boys who I would not trade for the world. I remember the day we found out Nicholas was a boy. I was ELATED. And I didn't even care what he was! Jason did. He made no secret out of the fact that girls TERRIFY him (present company included) and he wanted a boy. Coming from a family of three boys, the unknown was really a factor for him! Bring on baby #2. We saw his "parts" before the technician even told us his gender. We knew. Another boy. More excitement.
So here we are... baby #3. Clearly we have two boys, so we were "trying" for a girl! Right??? Because WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT if you have another boy! You must obviously want what you don't have! Having at least one of each makes a family more symmetrical, don't you think?
Let me say, I am over the moon about baby #3. I am elated it is a girl, but I have to tell you something. If it was a boy, I would be just as excited. For me, the choice to have another baby was not contingent on the gender of the baby. I honestly just thought that with hubby having two brothers, me having one brother, we were destined to be a family of all boys. And that is okay! I would never feel "incomplete" without a girl to love. But I know many who do or who would if that was their situation. All the pink makes me want to vomit just a bit (ask my mom how I feel about lace!). And I definitely will NOT be calling her "princess" or other very girly, spoiled sounding names. BUT... she will wear pink, and probably love Disney and dress up often as a princess. She will probably enjoy the girly side of life more than me - that is a little frightening! On delivery day, if she comes out a boy instead, that will be perfectly fine too!