Nicholas is really into "making books". I give all the credit to his Kindergarten teacher - she has really inspired him to the point where he wants to become an Author/Illustrator. A month or two ago, he brought home some paper with holes punched in the side and asked for a way to "put it together'. We found some yarn, and his newest creation was born.
This book is called "Big Brother Nicholas and Littel Brother Matthew". (spelled like he wrote it)
I previously read the first chapter, and beginnings of the second chapter, but the book is now finished. After reading the words he wrote, tears were unavoidable.
I still have many moments where I contemplate packing it all in & heading back to our old life & friends. I miss them. I miss the comfort and familiarity of our old life. There are some girls that I would give just about ANYTHING to hang out with - grab some coffee, watch the kids play, try on swim suits and give honest opinions. I guess I never thought my kiddo still had moments too.
Here is the text from Chapter 3 (referring to our "big move" and life in preschool with "no friends" in his class - specifically no best friend "R")
Then I made some friends. It was a very long year for me. It allso was a very fun year. Now I am in Kindergarden. Only two of my friends in my class are my real friends.
(I included some text from the next page, Chapter 4).
Oh the tears. Real friends? Long year? He is only 6. What should he know about these things already?
Sigh. So we move on. It was a long year for me too, buddy. I, too, have found out a lot about real friends. And I miss the ones who aren't close in distance anymore, but still very much in my heart.
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