Thursday, February 19, 2009

Going Bonkers!

No, I am not referring to the way I felt after two nights of not sleeping (sick baby). I am talking about the wonderful playplace in Columbia, Going Bonkers! The original plan was for my mom & I to take both kiddos to this place (it would only cost $7 total for all four of us!!). However, Matthew was quite sick so he stayed home with grandma. Nicholas & I had a blast - he even convinced me to climb with him. It was slightly scary - was I too big? would it all come crashing down? would we get trapped up high? It was tight quarters, but a lot of fun. He thought it was hilarious that he was so much faster than me! My old body is not so flexible anymore! We stayed for two hours, but easily could have stayed longer! Hopefully we'll go back some day... Here are some pictures so you can get an idea...

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