So my original plan for today was to stop by Costco & pick up pictures on our way to Nicholas' ENT appointment at Children's Mercy. I had a strange premonition that something was up regarding his appointment as we had not received the obligitory reminder call. When I called this morning, I found out his appointment was rescheduled! No one even told us! So glad I called in this morning rather than find out the hard way! It's too cold to have my little ones outside if we don't have to! So we stayed in!
Nicholas continues to impress me everyday & is quickly becoming a big boy. Last week he made his bed all by himself (I couldn't believe it!). Today, he separated clean laundry: Jason's, Mine, Matthew's, Nicholas' AND he put away his laundry & Matthew's in the CORRECT PLACES - I didn't even ASK him to do that! Isn't he amazing?! A funny story - last night Jason asked Nicholas to do a push-up. He obliged and fell to the ground to show his skills. I said, "Do a sit-up!". Nicholas sat up ("criss-cross apple-sauce") and grinned! Maybe you had to be there?!?! Another funny from today: after an episode of Word World, Nicholas was upset. The show told him that the meaning of Christmas is GIVING (instead of receiving). He was so upset because he knows the true meaning of Christmas is Jesus! This led to a discussion much beyond his years about how Jesus is the ultimate gift - not sure he understood any of this!
Mr. Matthew continues to grow each day. Today we tried peaches for the 1st time, but, like many other Gerber foods, he was uninterested. He seems to prefer moms homemade baby food over any packaged junk! Guess it's a compliment to me? He is 6 months old tomorrow, although I have a hard time believing that! We head to the doctor later this week, so I'll post more soon!