Matthew had his first bath today!!! Such an exciting event! He peed in the water just like his big brother did during HIS first bath!!! Matthew wasn't exactly fond of the bath, but slept like a baby right after!
Life at home continues to go very well. Matthew went 6 hours between feedings last night.... we are so excited about this!!! He continues to sleep well, at least until 4am or so! We tried the "Julie" method of weighing baby - weigh me, then weigh me holding Matthew. Jason & I both used that method today and calculated that he weighs 8 or 8.2 pounds! He's chunking up!
Nicholas is such a wonderful big brother - he knows where all of Matthews "things" are - his burp cloths, clothes, laundry basket, etc. He is such a big helper and is totally in love with little brother Matthew! Life is great!
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