Yesterday was Nicholas last day at his babysitter's house. He's been going to her house since he was only 7 months old... I remember the first day we dropped him off - the tears and sadness. Feeling like I was abandoning my precious little boy! I still would tear up if I had to drop him off in the mornings! It was much better to be the pick-up person. Nicholas was always excited to see me at the end of each day. Part of me feels like it's just another summertime - maybe he'll go back in the fall - but now I'm staying home full-time and he is starting preschool this fall (ironically one of his teachers shares the same name as his babysitter!). It's just another transition in his life... I was so emotional yesterday it got me thinking about his first day of preschool, kindergarten, high school graduation, leaving him at college - I could really go on and on. We will miss his sitter & their family terribly, but know good times are ahead for both families.
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