Monday, April 21, 2008

30 weeks along!

Today was the big ultrasound appointment! Everything went great - the placenta has moved (yippee!!!). Baby is currently measuring big, but probably not Nicholas big - he is approximately 3 pounds 9 ounces, which is around the 75%-ile. Amniotic fluid looks great (unlike his big bro) and he is DEFINITELY a boy (in case there was a question!!). He was "hiding" and wouldn't really allow for pictures, but we did catch him grabbing his foot numerous times while his other hand (thumb?) was in his mouth! What an acrobat!
Last night I had several contractions, which is perfectly normal, but the last one didn't really go away. The tightening feeling didn't subside by bedtime, so I went to sleep. I woke up this morning with a still-tight feeling and generally felt yucky. As guessed, the doctor decided to check me today. My cervix is closed but soft and low - getting ready for baby. I have now been put on weekly appointments which isn't too big a deal since I'm there every week for my injection already!
Yesterday at church, my wonderful doctor sat next to us! That was a nice surprise! Today at the office, we were told I wouldn't be seeing Dr. Trout as she had multiple deliveries. Imagine my surprise when she walks in to the room! She apparently told the nurses not to let me go - she wanted to see me herself! So, after 5 deliveries and one more yet to go, she came back to the office (connected to the hospital, but STILL!) to see me! I just love her - she always makes me feel so much better! More baby updates to follow! Swim lessons tonight so there will be another post if something noteworthy happens!

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