Today Nicholas went to the eye doctor & got glasses! He is quite far-sighted (opposite of Mom & Dad) with a prescription of +4 (I think one eye might be a little stronger than that). The doctor thinks that this might be a result of his prematurity & being on oxygen for so long (but no retinopathy of prematurity - very good sign). His prescription is not full strength yet, we'll work into that during our frequent eye doctor visits over the next year or so. He's not sure about them & mom is getting used to the idea too. I think they are not so bothersome, even one hour into wearing the new glasses!
Nicholas is adorable with his glasses, they really look natural on him Jen! Do I see him holding a little Arthur doll with glasses. How cute. He is so handsome, can't wait to show Merrick. I love the glasses, just think how quick he will pick up reading now!
He looks so darn cute!
So, I paid attention to kids with glasses today, there are some I see in the classes a lot and I didn't really even remember that they wear glasses! Nicholas will be just fine!
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