This blog has been all baby, all the time lately! Don't worry, the boys are still having an awesome summer!
Yesterday, they played outside for nearly 3 hours (some in the morning, about 2 hours later in the day). If you keep track of Texas weather (or the weather anywhere right now, really), that is a pretty impressive amount of time outside. We rarely check the weather. At least not like we did in Missouri! I can tell you this much, it will be 100 - 105 degrees every day for the next ten days. And it will probably be sunny (maybe MOSTLY sunny) with little or no chance for rain. Don't believe me? Check it. I'm positive it's right!
Anyway... the boys had a blast outside and they were really helpful yesterday, so they earned a special treat! Fruit popsicles! Yummy! And no, it was no coincidence that I chose to distribute this award while they were wearing swim clothes, not their "real" clothes. I know my boys. Sure enough, the little one came inside with red splotches all over his shirt! And yes, the big one is wearing goggles. For the sprinkler.