Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Summer Fun!

This blog has been all baby, all the time lately! Don't worry, the boys are still having an awesome summer!
Yesterday, they played outside for nearly 3 hours (some in the morning, about 2 hours later in the day). If you keep track of Texas weather (or the weather anywhere right now, really), that is a pretty impressive amount of time outside. We rarely check the weather. At least not like we did in Missouri! I can tell you this much, it will be 100 - 105 degrees every day for the next ten days. And it will probably be sunny (maybe MOSTLY sunny) with little or no chance for rain. Don't believe me? Check it. I'm positive it's right!
Anyway... the boys had a blast outside and they were really helpful yesterday, so they earned a special treat! Fruit popsicles! Yummy! And no, it was no coincidence that I chose to distribute this award while they were wearing swim clothes, not their "real" clothes. I know my boys. Sure enough, the little one came inside with red splotches all over his shirt! And yes, the big one is wearing goggles. For the sprinkler.

Monday, July 25, 2011

One month...

How can it be that my little Katie-bug is already ONE MONTH OLD??? Oh, time flies. She is SUCH a good baby (not that the other two weren't... but she is pretty awesome).
Here is Katie's daily routine in a nutshell:
Feeding: She eats at approximately 4 hour intervals during the day: 8am, 12pm, 4pm, 7pm, 9:30pm (we cluster around bedtime - some days we start about 30 minutes earlier). She will usually wake at 2:40am for her ONLY middle of the night feeding. I typically have to wake her for feedings - otherwise she'd be content to sleep longer!
Napping: Including feeding time, she is typically awake for 1 hour before going down for a long snooze. She naps great, except after the 7pm feeding. She doesn't know WHAT to do after that one - nap? play? so she settles on crying a whole bunch! She is a great nighttime sleeper - we put her down at 10pm, she wakes briefly to eat (or snack, as it has been lately) at 2:40am, then we must wake her to start her day by 8am!
Playing: Her brothers want her to play. They constantly ask when they can get her toys, etc. out for her. I patiently explain (AGAIN) that she is can't play yet...
She enjoys all the different "seats" in the house (high chair, bouncy - usually without vibrations, activity mat, our laps, etc). She always looks around with amazement - how did I get here?!?!

Pics with Mom & Dad

Here are some pictures of Katie with Mom & Dad. Notice she is wearing the SAME outfit... but is 3 weeks older in two of the pics... What?!? You didn't notice? Must be a mom-thing. How about me? Do I look 3 weeks skinnier in one pic?

What are you DOING to me?!?!?!

My Mother brought my two baby gowns from my childhood (and she brought CAPES she made, that will be yet another post I'm sure). These frilly, pink creations are clearly nothing that I would normally put on my daughter. I love the bright colors - yes even pink is fine - but the soft baby-like colors just make me gag a little bit.
When she gave me these gowns, I looked at them with disgust. What?!?! You expect MY sweet little thing to wear this? (note: she wasn't yet born)
Well... Katie arrived and I knew I must put these outfits on her to appease my mother. Last Thursday, I put my darling dear in these gowns... and she HATED it! She made the most adorable "I hate this" look the entire time! Haha! Shows you, Mom!
So, one day she may choose the frilly, girly look that I avoid at all costs. But until then, I WIN!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Katie... the first two weeks

#1 Question asked: Is it different having a girl than a boy? Strange. It really isn't. She wears pink. It's obvious when you change her diaper. Otherwise, she's just a baby!

Katie is a sweet thing... She loves to be held, especially by mom. Dad will suffice for short spurts, but eventually, mom makes everything better. She sleeps in a bassinet in our room - which is great for nighttime feeding, not so great when she starts her grunting sounds! Lucky for us, she's only had two nights where I'd call her a "normal" baby. Otherwise, she's been pretty dreamy, even sleeping a 5 hour stretch last Tuesday night! Wow! Since, she sticks to a 3-4 hour routine and sleeps immediately following! She loves to eat... and this is probably why she's already 9.5 pounds! She has her big brothers wrapped around her fingers. They spend a crazy amount of time talking to her in this soft, high-pitched, baby voice. It's pretty sweet to hear. (now if they were only that sweet to each other!)
So, in summary, she's cute, sweet, a great eater, sleeper, and cuddle-bug. Yes, she can be cranky, but who can't? We adore her!
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