So you may have heard... we had SUCH a storm the other night! No, seriously, it was nothing at all. We already knew our school day would begin 2 hours late, but got a 5:16am call that Friday was a SNOW DAY. So I HAD to look outside. And I could still see grass - all of it. Yes, there was a "light dusting", but my midwest friends would laugh if they saw our "snow" pics! So here they are!
FYI - the WORLD shuts down with this much snow! Governments were closed, businesses opened late, if at all, everyone stayed home. Everyone. Actually, Jason went to work (as usual) at 7am yesterday. The roads were "terrible" even with that little amount of snow because they literally don't have "stuff" (salt, sand, etc.) to apply to the roads. So, give the Texans some credit - it may have actually been a bit treacherous! We played in the snow for a while. It was gone & melted by 11am. Might be 60 degrees today. Snow in Texas.