Nicholas: Is he loving Kindergarten? That's the question I hear most often. Some days the answer is YES!!! Other days the answer is no. Over the past few months, he has asked me numerous times why I can't just teach him at home (you are a teacher after all, mom!). That's a tough question. His school is a great one. Everyone loves it. Maybe he just hasn't caught his stride yet... He hasn't felt challenged yet, unless you count being confounded by the "disguise a turkey" assignment. Waaaaayyy too much creative stuff for Mom in kindergarten! We've still been working at home on other things: reading (currently reading Harry Potter to him - helping with comprehension on that!), multiplication/division, cursive (his true love), writing, etc. He enjoys that... except that he is typically tired/moody/grumpy each and every day after school. No mood for learning time or chores! He loves spending time with friends each day, so that is a positive of school. He also loved playing t-ball. Already itching for a new season!
Matthew: funny little thing. Often see him walking around with a fleece pullover sweatshirt (thanks J.T.), sunglasses, and his Bears hat. It's his required outfit! He says hilarious things - we were talking today about lunch - he told me he was going to eat at the big table. "Actually, mom, dad, nicholas, matthew eat at the big table for dinner". Actually is a favorite word. He often uses it correctly! He loves to play catch, read books, run around outside, play super heroes with brother, and show off his silly bands (thank you, recent b-day parties!). As always, he is very agreeable except when tired or hungry. He still naps 2-3 hours a day + 11 hours of sleep at night. Very nice. His favorite song is anything from music class, especially Old MacDonald (but his own special version). As most toddlers around this age, he is becoming fiercely independent. "I can do it!" is often shouted again & again! He plays with a V-Tech Computer... when he pushes the correct letter, it tells him "A is for Apple", etc. It's so cute... he doesn't get it. He keeps saying things like "P is for my daddy", "Z is for my Nicholas". He might be giving these letters away. Who knows!
Jason & I are still doing well. Job is good. Life is good. Still exercising with crazy friends at 5:45am three times a week. They keep me sane. Music class is great. Anxious for the holidays... love this time of year!