Well, the drought is finally over. I have a computer again! For now I will just post a slide show of pictures from
n. This site can't HANDLE the 177 pictures I've taken since not having a computer!
Halloween, my boys were many things...
Matthew was a bear (or lion, depending on who you ask), a fireman, a Dalmation, and a Sheriff. My personal favorite was the Sheriff.
Nicholas was Spiderman (most of the time) and a pirate (again)
Our main events: Behren's Ranch Halloween Party, Church Fall Festival + Trunk or Treat, MOMS Club Halloween Party, and Trick-or-Treating on Halloween.
Halloween night was a bit different here than it was for us in KC. First of all, there were MILLIONS of children out crowding the streets. Many neighborhoods or cul-de-sacs within our large neighborhood had parties (some smoking meat starting at 4am!). The "game" (for some it was
UT, others
World Series) was projected onto the outside of houses (many people did this). It was a HUGE street party on every street. Picture bounce houses, TONS of food everywhere (hot dogs, pizza, cotton candy). It was a blast!